Hello, my name is Luiz F. Estivalet

I'm a Senior Test Automation Engineer

Complete Bachelor and Master degrees in Computer Science. English fluency. Information Technology professional with over 20 years of experience, working at major industrial companies such as Dell, Accenture and Serpro. Out of them, 5 years working on distributed teams across the globe. Strong technical and analytical problem solving coupled with ability to negotiate, manage systems and programs. Experienced in architecture and design of web systems, requirements gathering, and team leading.

Specialities: Selenium Web application testing system, Robot Framework, Python, Automation

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About Me

I'm Luiz F. Estivalet and Automation Specialist

My love for technology started at a young age when I got my first computer, an 8-bit MSX. I always wondered how it worked inside, which prompted my unstoppable desire to feed myself with information about each of its components. I started learning programming reading the books and manuals that came with this computer. It was my first contact with the BASIC programming language. After some weeks I developed my first little game, it was an amazing experience. Years later I got the university and got my Bachelor and Master degrees in Computer Science. Fast forward to today, and here I am, still learning something new every day as I look for new challenges to grow in knowledge and experience.

Born : September 22, 1975

Age :

Website : https://estivalet.github.io

Email : luiz.f.estivalet(at)gmail.com

Degree : Master 😁

Country : Brazil/Luxembourg

Freelance : Available
